Landing Energy Efficient Lighting Contracts

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted August 17, 2010

My grandfather served in the United States Navy.

Spending most of his career below the ocean’s surface in some of the earliest nuclear submarines, he took part in some of the most dangerous naval missions in U.S. history.

I don’t know all the specifics because most of that stuff was — and still is — top secret.

To this day, my grandfather is still tight-lipped. And if you ask him any specific questions, he just shrugs his shoulders and changes the subject.

So over the years, I’ve spent countless hours trying to learn what I can about his career and the submarines he served on. But to be honest, I’ve come up with very little.

I suppose it’s probably better that way. After all, if this stuff truly is top secret, then a guy like me shouldn’t be able to uncover sensitive military intelligence.

However, in my unsuccessful quest to uncover classified documents that would shed some light on my grandfather’s military past, I did stumble upon something that I’m sure you’ll be interested in…

It’s a company that has a real shot at landing…

$416 million in potential Navy contracts

Here’s the deal.

The largest consumer of energy in the entire world is the U.S. military — costing taxpayers more than $20 billion a year. And with every $10 increase in the price of oil, the Defense Department incurs more than $1.3 billion in additional energy costs.

So it’s no surprise that with these energy costs only getting higher and higher, the Pentagon and the U.S. Defense Department are now forcing the military to drastically cut energy consumption.

In fact a recent Department of Defense Quadrennial Review report stated:

“The Department is increasing its use of renewable energy supplies and reducing energy demand to improve operational effectiveness and protect the Department from energy price fluctuations.”

Now here’s the profit angle…

It turns out that the U.S. Navy spends an absolute fortune in lighting costs. We’re talking in excess of $1 billion a year.

But that’s all going to change, thanks to a new program developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) — the same organization that gave us the Internet.

It’s called the High Efficiency Distributed Lighting program (HEDLight), and its goal is to completely alter the design for lighting systems on U.S. military platforms so that they are stronger and more energy-efficient.

And we know of one company that’s already in bed with DARPA on this project.

You can read our white paper on this company here.

HEDLight expects naval ships to save 87% of the electricity used on existing lighting systems.

Think about that for a second…

That means that for every $1 million the Navy was spending on lighting, they’ll now only have to spend $130,000.

This is huge!

Imagine if a $25,000 car you wanted all of a sudden cost only $3,250.  Or a $300,000 home you had been dreaming about buying now only cost you $39,000.

You’d jump on those savings in a heartbeat.

And that’s exactly what the U.S. Navy’s going to do with these lighting retrofits.

Now, we’ve done some quick calculations based on the Navy’s entire fleet of battle force ships and the average potential cost of each lighting retrofit… My friend, we’re looking at a potential value of $416.2 million.

And the company that’s now working with DARPA on this project has. . .

  • Already retrofitted one Navy ship with new lighting systems

  • Landed another contract to retrofit a Virginia Class attack submarine

  • And just picked up another $2.8 million in lighting retrofit contracts for a handful of government buildings and industrial facilities.

Not bad for a tiny $2 microcap that hardly anyone’s heard of.

You can see the details on some of those retrofit contracts here.

To a new way of life, and a new generation of wealth…

jeff signature 


P.S. This under-the-radar lighting retrofit stock has outperformed the Dow by 188% this year — and over the past three weeks, the stock has climbed almost 40%. Rest assured, it’s not going to take much more than one more military retrofit deal to push this thing to $3.00… Read this report and get the information you need to invest early, before this ship literally sails.

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